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Improve Specific Reading Skills With These Relevant 'Real-World' Lessons!

Social media is here to stay… but there’s a lot to know about using social media in a safeeducated, and healthy way. How do you determine if what you're seeing online is accurate or true? Why does it seem that everyone else having more fun? These high-interest, life-skills lessons tackle relevant and engaging topics students will WANT to read about, in a light-hearted, easy-reading style.

Teens and ‘Experts’ offer helpful advice through text messages and high-interest reading passages. Follow-up questions challenge students to improve their specific reading skills while also guiding them to really think about what they've read and apply key concepts to their daily lives.... A great way to improve comprehension skills AND essential life skills... at the same time!


  • "My online ‘friends’ are so cool, what is there to worry about?"

  • "Why can’t I post whatever I want on social media?"

  • "News is News... Why shouldn’t I believe everything I read and see?"

  • "Why are there different versions of the same event?" - (Author's point of view)

  • "Why isn’t my life as exciting and perfect as everyone else’s on Instagram and TikTok?"

  • "It’s called Social Media... Privacy is beside the point. Right?"

  • "This video is unreal... Wait, is it?"

Real-World Skills: Social Media

  • Product Code: REM 6103

  • Viewed: 10490
  • Availability: In Stock


Improve Specific Reading Skills With These Relevant 'Real-World' Lessons!

Social media is here to stay… but there’s a lot to know about using social media in a safeeducated, and healthy way. How do you determine if what you're seeing online is accurate or true? Why does it seem that everyone else having more fun? These high-interest, life-skills lessons tackle relevant and engaging topics students will WANT to read about, in a light-hearted, easy-reading style.

Teens and ‘Experts’ offer helpful advice through text messages and high-interest reading passages. Follow-up questions challenge students to improve their specific reading skills while also guiding them to really think about what they've read and apply key concepts to their daily lives.... A great way to improve comprehension skills AND essential life skills... at the same time!


  • "My online ‘friends’ are so cool, what is there to worry about?"

  • "Why can’t I post whatever I want on social media?"

  • "News is News... Why shouldn’t I believe everything I read and see?"

  • "Why are there different versions of the same event?" - (Author's point of view)

  • "Why isn’t my life as exciting and perfect as everyone else’s on Instagram and TikTok?"

  • "It’s called Social Media... Privacy is beside the point. Right?"

  • "This video is unreal... Wait, is it?"

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