Personal Development for Success all 10 PDF eBooks DOWNLOAD. Provide
students with the basic skills needed to attain success in school. This
series helps to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to
become a healthy, productive adult. Each book includes dialogue between
characters in a hypothetical difficult situation and discusses various
reactions and the likely outcomes from either a positive or negative
reaction. Some of the topics students might encounter that are addressed
in the series include: Anger Management, Improving Self Concept, How to
Handle Stress, Learning How to Study, How to Get Good Grades, Problem
Solving, Communication Skills, Recognizing Depression, Career Choices,
Peer Pressure and more. Each book includes two or more topics and each
is followed by a variety of exercises such as true or false, matching,
fill-in-the-blanks, multiple choice, sentence completion, crossword
puzzles and subjective opinion. Answer keys are found at the back of
each book.
Personal Development for Success (10-Book Set)
- Product Code: EREM ED2500
- Viewed: 1998
- Availability: In Stock
Personal Development for Success all 10 PDF eBooks DOWNLOAD. Provide
students with the basic skills needed to attain success in school. This
series helps to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to
become a healthy, productive adult. Each book includes dialogue between
characters in a hypothetical difficult situation and discusses various
reactions and the likely outcomes from either a positive or negative
reaction. Some of the topics students might encounter that are addressed
in the series include: Anger Management, Improving Self Concept, How to
Handle Stress, Learning How to Study, How to Get Good Grades, Problem
Solving, Communication Skills, Recognizing Depression, Career Choices,
Peer Pressure and more. Each book includes two or more topics and each
is followed by a variety of exercises such as true or false, matching,
fill-in-the-blanks, multiple choice, sentence completion, crossword
puzzles and subjective opinion. Answer keys are found at the back of
each book.