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Number and Letter Games presents a variety of games involving the finger alphabet, sign numbers, and recognizable graphic signs that combine to challenge the beginning signer. This black-and-white book is 32-pages.

Here is how the book is organized:

Accuracy with Numbers
Adding to 10
2-in-1 + Signs
Sports Signs & Word Search
Map Skills
Picture This
Putting It All Together
Confused Animals

Are your sign language materials ASL or Signed English?

Yes! A question that too often cloaks, "Whose camp are you in?" Our offerings tend to run closer to the linguistic models of Standard English. While our Word in the Hand book is clearly modeled for Signed English, our Sign Language Literature Series models Conceptually Accurate Signed English (CASE), and other books which primarily present vocabulary (e.g., Pets, Animals & Creatures) select common usage signs based upon the ASL and Gallaudet communities. Other books (e.g., Signing at School or Can I Help?) model sentence structures closer to English syntax than ASL.

What sources do you use for your vocabulary?

We have tried to choose vocabulary signs that reflect a larger, common usage. Common usage primarily reflects ASL, with attention to Gallaudet, Signed English systems, and other competent academic programs.

Number & Letter Games: Sign Language (Beginning Sign Language Series)

  • Product Code: EREM GP072

  • Viewed: 656
  • Availability: In Stock


Number and Letter Games presents a variety of games involving the finger alphabet, sign numbers, and recognizable graphic signs that combine to challenge the beginning signer. This black-and-white book is 32-pages.

Here is how the book is organized:

Accuracy with Numbers
Adding to 10
2-in-1 + Signs
Sports Signs & Word Search
Map Skills
Picture This
Putting It All Together
Confused Animals

Are your sign language materials ASL or Signed English?

Yes! A question that too often cloaks, "Whose camp are you in?" Our offerings tend to run closer to the linguistic models of Standard English. While our Word in the Hand book is clearly modeled for Signed English, our Sign Language Literature Series models Conceptually Accurate Signed English (CASE), and other books which primarily present vocabulary (e.g., Pets, Animals & Creatures) select common usage signs based upon the ASL and Gallaudet communities. Other books (e.g., Signing at School or Can I Help?) model sentence structures closer to English syntax than ASL.

What sources do you use for your vocabulary?

We have tried to choose vocabulary signs that reflect a larger, common usage. Common usage primarily reflects ASL, with attention to Gallaudet, Signed English systems, and other competent academic programs.

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