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Practical Application Math | Math at Work | Life Skills | Distance Traveled | Elapsed Time | Measurement | Basic Math Skills
The practical application of math help students understand the importance of mastering basic math skills. Math can be found in all parts of our lives, including at work. Students will discover how Delivery Truck Drivers, Chefs, and Carpenters use math skills as part of their jobs.

These books focus on skills that often don’t get much attention in the classroom.

• Understanding “Elapsed Time” can be a challenge for students growing up in
a digital world.
• Calculating “Distance Traveled” generally isn’t practiced enough for students
to be adept at figuring how many miles have been traveled between point A to
point B.
• Different forms of “Measurement” can be confusing. How many ounces ARE
there in a gallon or a pound? How do you figure square feet?
Including these skills in everyday work situations, helps students see their
connection to the real world.
Skill Review
There are three pages of skill review reminding students about elapsed time, the different kinds of measurement, and how to figure distance traveled. Each review page has Helpful Hints and practice questions.
Both Levels 1 & 2 Activities
Activity pages feature charming, illustrated characters in common work situations. Students will be asked to add, multiply, and divide whole numbers and decimals to solve problems about elapsed time, measurement, and distance traveled.
Levels 1 Activities
No rounding is required. Most answers are multiple choice.
Level 2 Activities
Rounding to the nearest hundredths is required for some answers.
40 Pages
Answer Keys Included

On the Job Math Set: Levels 1 & 2 - Practical Practice Math

  • Product Code: EREM 68

  • Viewed: 1966
  • Availability: In Stock


Practical Application Math | Math at Work | Life Skills | Distance Traveled | Elapsed Time | Measurement | Basic Math Skills
The practical application of math help students understand the importance of mastering basic math skills. Math can be found in all parts of our lives, including at work. Students will discover how Delivery Truck Drivers, Chefs, and Carpenters use math skills as part of their jobs.

These books focus on skills that often don’t get much attention in the classroom.

• Understanding “Elapsed Time” can be a challenge for students growing up in
a digital world.
• Calculating “Distance Traveled” generally isn’t practiced enough for students
to be adept at figuring how many miles have been traveled between point A to
point B.
• Different forms of “Measurement” can be confusing. How many ounces ARE
there in a gallon or a pound? How do you figure square feet?
Including these skills in everyday work situations, helps students see their
connection to the real world.
Skill Review
There are three pages of skill review reminding students about elapsed time, the different kinds of measurement, and how to figure distance traveled. Each review page has Helpful Hints and practice questions.
Both Levels 1 & 2 Activities
Activity pages feature charming, illustrated characters in common work situations. Students will be asked to add, multiply, and divide whole numbers and decimals to solve problems about elapsed time, measurement, and distance traveled.
Levels 1 Activities
No rounding is required. Most answers are multiple choice.
Level 2 Activities
Rounding to the nearest hundredths is required for some answers.
40 Pages
Answer Keys Included

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