Crossword math! Students will get plenty of practice adding and subtracting two-digit through four-digit numbers by working the 22 crossword-style puzzles and more than 400 computations in this learning unit.
Difficulty progresses with each new worksheet.
Students enter their computation answers into the puzzles. Only with correct calculations, can each activity be completed. The result? Students are motivated to check their work! An Answer Key is included.
This eBook is a whiteboard-ready PDF. You will need to have the current version of Acrobat Reader® installed on your computer. If you do not have Acrobat Reader® click here to get it for free.
Math Puzzles: Addition & Subtraction Computation (eBook)
- Product Code: EREM 508s
- Viewed: 1144
- Availability: In Stock
Crossword math! Students will get plenty of practice adding and subtracting two-digit through four-digit numbers by working the 22 crossword-style puzzles and more than 400 computations in this learning unit.
Difficulty progresses with each new worksheet.
Students enter their computation answers into the puzzles. Only with correct calculations, can each activity be completed. The result? Students are motivated to check their work! An Answer Key is included.
This eBook is a whiteboard-ready PDF. You will need to have the current version of Acrobat Reader® installed on your computer. If you do not have Acrobat Reader® click here to get it for free.
Tags:Basic MathPuzzles