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Writing a Resume/Functional Reading & Writing/Life Skills Lessons

Along with filling out a job application, knowing how to write a memorable cover letter and resume is a necessary life skill. Applicants that include a cover letter and a resume along with their job application are much more likely to get hired. This book explains a cover letter and a resume and provides helpful “Tips for Success” on how to write both.
Students will follow Shay and Danielle through two “job scenarios.” Each will choose a job they would like to have and then they will write a cover letter and resume for those jobs.
After getting familiar with these formats, students will then have the opportunity to write their own cover letter and resume. A cover letter and resume template is included.
Skills Covered Include:
• Applying Information
• Choose the Correct Word
• Functional Reading and Writing
• Using Context Clues
• Critical Thinking
18 pages
Answer Key Included

Life Skills Lessons: Filling Out Forms - Writing a Resume

  • Product Code: EREM 1202

  • Viewed: 1424
  • Availability: In Stock


Writing a Resume/Functional Reading & Writing/Life Skills Lessons

Along with filling out a job application, knowing how to write a memorable cover letter and resume is a necessary life skill. Applicants that include a cover letter and a resume along with their job application are much more likely to get hired. This book explains a cover letter and a resume and provides helpful “Tips for Success” on how to write both.
Students will follow Shay and Danielle through two “job scenarios.” Each will choose a job they would like to have and then they will write a cover letter and resume for those jobs.
After getting familiar with these formats, students will then have the opportunity to write their own cover letter and resume. A cover letter and resume template is included.
Skills Covered Include:
• Applying Information
• Choose the Correct Word
• Functional Reading and Writing
• Using Context Clues
• Critical Thinking
18 pages
Answer Key Included

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