Reading Receipts Level 1: Real-Life Reading
Reading Receipts | Life Skills | Literal Comprehension | Locating Information | Finding Facts | Func..
Maps, Texts & Invitations 1 - PDF & Google Set
Reading Google and PDF Maps, Texts & Invitations | Life Skills | Inferential Comprehension | Lit..
Primary Thinking Skills: Drawing Solutions / Finding Facts
CCSS Level: K-2 Interest Level: N/A Reading Level: N/A Teach the thinking process! E..
Critical Thinking Skills: Finding Facts
CCSS Level: 2-5 Interest Level: 2-6 Reading Level: 3-4 The 23 lessons in this unit are de..
Addition: Straight Forward Math Series
Grade Level: 1-3 Interest Level: N/A Reading Level: N/A Basic addition operations for additio..
Subtraction: Straight Forward Math Series
Grade Level: 1-3 Interest Level: N/A Reading Level: N/A Basic subtraction operations for subt..
Timed Math Drills: Addition
Grade Level: 3-6 Interest Level: N/A Reading Level: N/A Success in all areas of mathematics s..
Timed Math Drills: Subtraction
Grade Level: 3-6 Interest Level: N/A Reading Level: N/A Success in all areas of mathematics..
Timed Math Drills: Multiplication
Grade Level: 3-6 Interest Level: N/A Reading Level: N/A Success in all areas of mathematics s..
Timed Math Drills: Division
Grade Level: 3-6 Interest Level: N/A Reading Level: N/A Success in all areas of mathematics..