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Science of Reading

Understanding the meaning of any written text is the ultimate goal of any reading program.

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Science of Reading for Older Students 7-Book Set



Science of Reading for Older Students - Phonics, Text Comprehension - 24-Pack Set


This Comprehensive Super-Bundle includes 944 Task Cards plus a FREE 15-PageTeacher Guide as a b..

Science of Reading: Fluency Reading for Older Students - Nonfiction Task Cards


Science of Reading, Fluency, Automaticity, Prosody, Timed-Reading, Differentiated Instruction, Summa..

Science of Reading for Older Students Text Comprehension Set


Science of Reading, Comprehension Skills, Reading, Figurative Language Understanding the meaning of ..

Science of Reading: Vocabulary for Older Students Set


Vocabulary | Fluency | Reading | Contractions | Abbreviations | Homographs Heteronyms | Homonyms | W..

Science of Reading: Phonics for Olders Students SET


Phonics/Phonemic Awareness/ Vowels/Consonants/Syllables/Compound Words/Prefixes/Suffixes/ Fluency/ R..

Science of Reading: Text Comprehension for Older Students


Research-Based ∙ Short Targeted Lessons ∙ Explicit InstructionShort Bursts of Targeted Text Comprehe..

Science of Reading: Figurative Language


Research-Based ∙ Short Targeted Lessons ∙ Explicit InstructionShort Bursts of Targeted Figurative La..

Science of Reading: Fluency Reading for Older Students


Research-Based ∙ Short Targeted Lessons ∙ Explicit Instructionon Fluency ReadingShort Bursts of Targ..

Science of Reading: More Phonics for Older Students


Research-Based ∙ Short Targeted Lessons ∙ Explicit Instructionon Dividing Syllables - Compound Words..

Science of Reading: Phonics for Older Students


Research-Based ∙ Short Targeted Lessons ∙ Explicit Instructionon Short Vowels - Long Vowels - Conson..

Science of Reading for Older Students 18 Digital Set


This Comprehensive Super-Bundle includes 944 Task Cards plus a FREE 15..

Science of Reading: Fluency Task Cards


Science of Reading, Fluency, Automaticity, Prosody, Timed-Reading, Differentiated Instruction, Summa..

Science of Reading for Older Students: Fluency in Dialogue


Science of Reading, Fluency, Automaticity, Prosody, Dialogue,Timed-Reading, Differentiated Instructi..

Science of Reading: Fluency for Older Students - Fluency Reading Task Cards


Science of Reading, Fluency, Automaticity, Prosody, Timed-Reading, Differentiated Instruction, Scien..

Science of Reading: Fluency for Older Students - Social Studies


Science of Reading, Fluency, Automaticity, Prosody, Timed-Reading, Differentiated Instruction, Summa..

Science of Reading: Text Comprehension - Hyperbole and Allusion


Science of Reading, Comprehension, Fluency, Figurative Language, Hyperbole, AllusionUnderstanding th..

Science of Reading: Text Comprehension - Idioms & Personifications


Science of Reading, Comprehension, Fluency, Figurative Language, Idioms, PersonificationUnderstandin..

Science of Reading Text Comprehension for Older Students: Context Clues


Comprehension / Fluency/ Reading/ Context CluesUnderstanding the meaning of all written text is the ..

Science of Reading: Text Comprehension for Older Students Metaphors & Similes Task Cards


Comprehension | Fluency | Reading | Metaphors & Similes | Language ComprehensionUnderstanding th..

Science of Reading: Text Comprehension for Older Students Predicting Task Cards


Comprehension | Fluency | Reading | Predicting | Language ComprehensionUnderstanding the meaning of ..

Science of Reading: Text Comprehension for Older Students Summarizing Task Cards


Comprehension | Fluency | Reading | Summarizing | Language Comprehension Understanding the meaning o..

Science of Reading: Text Comprehension for Older Students Making an Inference


Comprehension | Fluency | Reading | Inference | Language Comprehension Understanding the meaning of ..

Science of Reading Text Comprehension Finding the Main Idea Task Cards


Comprehension | Fluency | Reading | Main Idea | Language Comprehension Understanding the meaning of ..

Science of Reading: Vocabulary for Older Students Contractions & Abbreviations


Vocabulary | Fluency | Reading | Contractions | Abbreviations | Language Comprehension Help students..

Science of Reading: Vocabulary for Older Students Homographs & Heteronyms


Vocabulary | Fluency | Reading | Homographs | Heteronyms | Language Comprehension Help students expa..

Science of Reading: Vocabulary for Older Students - Homonyms


Vocabulary / Fluency/ Reading/ Homonyms/Language Comprehension Help students expand and improve thei..

Science of Reading: Vocabulary for Older Students - Word Families


Vocabulary | Fluency | Reading | Word Families | Language Comprehension Help students expand and imp..

Science of Reading: Vocabulary for Older Students - Clipped & Blended Words


Vocabulary | Fluency | Reading | Clipped Words | Blended Words | Language | Comprehension Help stude..

Science of Reading: Vocabulary for Older Students - Synonyms & Antonyms


Vocabulary | Fluency | Reading | Synonyms | Antonyms | Language Comprehension Help students expand a..

Science Of Reading - Phonics for Older Students: Prefixes & Suffixes Task Cards


Phonics | Phonemic Awareness | Prefixes | Suffixes | FluencyReading Decoding | Phonemic Awareness B..

Science of Reading - Phonics for Older Students: Compounds Task Cards


Phonics/Phonemic Awareness/Compound Words/ Fluency/ Reading/ Decoding Being able to successfully de..

Science of Reading - Phonics for Older Students: Syllables Task Cards


Phonics/Phonemic Awareness/Dividing Syllables/ Fluency/ Reading/ Decoding Being able to successfull..

Science of Reading - Phonics for Older Students: Consonant Task Cards


Phonics | Phonemic Awareness | Consonants | Fluency | Reading | Decoding Being able to successfully..

Science Of Reading Phonics for Older Students: Long Vowel Task Cards


Phonics| Phonemic Awareness| Long Vowels| Digraphs| DiphthongsR-Controlled Vowels| Decoding| Reading..

Science of Reading - Phonics For Older Students: Short Vowel Task Cards


Phonics/Phonemic Awareness/Short Vowels/ Fluency/ Reading/ Decoding Being able to successfully decod..

Showing 1 to 36 of 36 (1 Pages)