10 Minutes a Day to Better Grammar & Writing Skills! These Daily Google Slides Activities feature short language exercises designed to reinforce key language skills. Used on a daily basis, these spiral review activities will
increase student awareness and develop skills in the specific areas of
writing and grammar that should be mastered by the end of fourth grade.
are introduced daily, then repeated throughout the program. These short
daily lessons ensure students not only practice but retain what
they have learned. In addition, portions of the slides are not
flattened, allowing you to modify the lessons or make accommodations for
specific students.
Students will Master these Skills:
- Abbreviations
- Addresses
- Adverbs
- Antonyms & Synonyms
- Articles
- Capitalization
- Compound Words
- Contractions
- Dates & Time
- Fact or Opinion
- Follow instructions
- Formatting Titles (Book, Song, Poems, etc.)
- Homophones
- Letters (Greetings & Closings)
- Multiple-Meaning Words
- Nouns: Common, Proper, & Pro
- Plural Nouns & Pronouns
- Possessive Nouns & Pronouns
- Prefixes & Suffixes
- Prepositions
- Punctuation
- Quotations
- Sentence Type
- Spelling
- Subjects & Predicates
- Tense
- Verbs
- Writing Sentences
Benefits of Google Slides:
If you've been looking for a way to integrate technology into your lessons, this is your answer. And the best part is you don't have to print, cut, laminate, or replace when you lose pieces....it's ALL DIGITAL!
How do Google Slides Work?
read each sentence on a computer or iPad then answer the questions and
exercises right on their copy of the slides. Teachers can see students'
answers in real time, or review them later. Slides can also be printed
and used as colorful classroom worksheets.
160+ Interactive Google Slides
Answer Key
- Product Code: EREM 2019HCGC
- Viewed: 1813
- Availability: In Stock
10 Minutes a Day to Better Grammar & Writing Skills! These Daily Google Slides Activities feature short language exercises designed to reinforce key language skills. Used on a daily basis, these spiral review activities will
increase student awareness and develop skills in the specific areas of
writing and grammar that should be mastered by the end of fourth grade.
are introduced daily, then repeated throughout the program. These short
daily lessons ensure students not only practice but retain what
they have learned. In addition, portions of the slides are not
flattened, allowing you to modify the lessons or make accommodations for
specific students.
Students will Master these Skills:
- Abbreviations
- Addresses
- Adverbs
- Antonyms & Synonyms
- Articles
- Capitalization
- Compound Words
- Contractions
- Dates & Time
- Fact or Opinion
- Follow instructions
- Formatting Titles (Book, Song, Poems, etc.)
- Homophones
- Letters (Greetings & Closings)
- Multiple-Meaning Words
- Nouns: Common, Proper, & Pro
- Plural Nouns & Pronouns
- Possessive Nouns & Pronouns
- Prefixes & Suffixes
- Prepositions
- Punctuation
- Quotations
- Sentence Type
- Spelling
- Subjects & Predicates
- Tense
- Verbs
- Writing Sentences
Benefits of Google Slides:
If you've been looking for a way to integrate technology into your lessons, this is your answer. And the best part is you don't have to print, cut, laminate, or replace when you lose pieces....it's ALL DIGITAL!
How do Google Slides Work?
read each sentence on a computer or iPad then answer the questions and
exercises right on their copy of the slides. Teachers can see students'
answers in real time, or review them later. Slides can also be printed
and used as colorful classroom worksheets.
160+ Interactive Google Slides
Answer Key