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Grade Level: 1-2
Interest Level: N/A
Reading Level: N/A
Fortifying a fundamental skill. The 24 illustrated lessons in this book present students with eight word clues that need to be matched with accompanying pictures. Sound (ch, sm, pl), word (star, butter, chalk), phrase (“Sharp as a ___.” “Forest is to tree as desert is to ____.”), and numbered syllable (“2 syllable,” “3 syllable”) clues are presented. The image solutions need to be cut and pasted into place.

“Dry as a ___.” “Flat as a ___.” “Light as a ___.” are among the clues presented. Images of a bird, a stack of pancakes, a pig, a bone, and a bumblebee are featured. Which image goes with the phrase?

Of course, creative coloring is all part of the fun.

This eBook is a whiteboard-ready PDF. You will need to have the current version of Acrobat Reader® installed on your computer. If you do not have Acrobat Reader® click here to get it for free.  

Cut, Paste, & Color: Language Development (eBook)

  • Product Code: EREM 52Cs

  • Viewed: 1036
  • Availability: In Stock


Grade Level: 1-2
Interest Level: N/A
Reading Level: N/A
Fortifying a fundamental skill. The 24 illustrated lessons in this book present students with eight word clues that need to be matched with accompanying pictures. Sound (ch, sm, pl), word (star, butter, chalk), phrase (“Sharp as a ___.” “Forest is to tree as desert is to ____.”), and numbered syllable (“2 syllable,” “3 syllable”) clues are presented. The image solutions need to be cut and pasted into place.

“Dry as a ___.” “Flat as a ___.” “Light as a ___.” are among the clues presented. Images of a bird, a stack of pancakes, a pig, a bone, and a bumblebee are featured. Which image goes with the phrase?

Of course, creative coloring is all part of the fun.

This eBook is a whiteboard-ready PDF. You will need to have the current version of Acrobat Reader® installed on your computer. If you do not have Acrobat Reader® click here to get it for free.  

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