Free-time fun in 15 minutes or less! Each of the 24 creative yet challenging crossword puzzles in this workbook focuses on common idioms and classic proverbs. Twelve simile or analogy words are featured with each puzzle. Clues challenge students to identify the appropriate word to complete the phrase.
- Break the ___ - Earth, Beans, Ice
- Shell is to Egg as Skin is to ____: Vine, Porcupine, Apple...
Comprehension skills are given a great workout with these activities.
Supports Common Core State Standards: CC.L.5.b - Vocabulary Aquisition & Use: Recogonize and explain the meaning of common idioms, adages, and proverbs.
This eBook is a whiteboard-ready PDF. You will need to have the current version of Acrobat Reader® installed on your computer. If you do not have Acrobat Reader® click here to get it for free.
Idioms, Proverbs, Similes, & Analogies: Crossword Puzzles (eBook)
- Product Code: EREM 913s
- Viewed: 931
- Availability: In Stock
Free-time fun in 15 minutes or less! Each of the 24 creative yet challenging crossword puzzles in this workbook focuses on common idioms and classic proverbs. Twelve simile or analogy words are featured with each puzzle. Clues challenge students to identify the appropriate word to complete the phrase.
- Break the ___ - Earth, Beans, Ice
- Shell is to Egg as Skin is to ____: Vine, Porcupine, Apple...
Comprehension skills are given a great workout with these activities.
Supports Common Core State Standards: CC.L.5.b - Vocabulary Aquisition & Use: Recogonize and explain the meaning of common idioms, adages, and proverbs.
This eBook is a whiteboard-ready PDF. You will need to have the current version of Acrobat Reader® installed on your computer. If you do not have Acrobat Reader® click here to get it for free.