Color Reading
Select interesting articles from a newspaper or magazine and make multiple copies, one for each student. Assign colors to specific comprehension information and have the student highlight or color the information as they read. For example, have students color two main points green, use purple to show three details, use orange on opinions and brown on facts, etc.
Compro Game
Strengthen students’ ability to recall information, determine the main idea, and find details with this simple game. How to play... Put students in groups of 3-6 (Tip: group students by reading level to differentiate the lesson). Select one reading passage for all students in the group to read silently. When everyone has finished reading the passage, students should write as many details as they can recall (without looking back at the text). Then, each student takes turns reading his/her list of details out loud. As details are read, each student should cross off any matching details from their list. After each student has read their details, one point is given for each detail not recalled by other students in the group.