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* 152 Practical & Interactive Google Slides Lessons & Activities. * Budgeting made easy! Help your students make friends with the budgeting process while learning valuable life skills! Filled with fun and engaging activities, these interactive and colorful lessons take the anxiety out of creating and sticking to a budget.

Students practice applying their math skills in addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, and decimals. They also gain valuable, practical knowledge about the important survival skill of setting goals and budgeting money. So improve your students' real-life money skills with this essential series!

More About this Product:

After learning the basics of how to create a variety of budgets, students get lots of practice with real-life budget scenarios. High-interest topics like planning an exotic vacation budget, a wedding budget, anniversary budget, college budget, family budget, a remodeling budget, various types of party and business budgets, and even a city budget are sure to capture your students' imaginations.

Through the use of charming photos, illustrations, fill-in charts, and drag and drop activities these lessons are presented in a lively, varied, and accessible way that students will find easy to understand. Real-life word problems feature practical consumer math skills. Students decide whether to add, subtract, multiply and/or divide money to find a solution. Some activities require students to use fractions and figure percentages.

Other Skills Get a Workout Too!

Introduce students to the vital role that handling money plays in all areas of a personal life while reinforcing basic math skills through a variety of problem-solving exercises. Comprehension, logical thinking, and sequential decisions are required to find answers to word problems relating to situations regarding making and using a budget.

Topics Include:

  • What is a Budget?
  • Benefits of a Budget
  • How to use a Budget
  • Fixed Costs vs Variable Costs
  • Needs vs Wants
  • Setting your Goal
  • Creating a Budget
  • Following a Budget
  • Real-life Scenarios / Situations
  • Vocabulary Activities

Types of Budgets:

  • Grocery Budget
  • Household Budget
  • Vacation Budget
  • College Budget
  • Business Budget
  • Personal Budget
  • Wedding Budget
  • Anniversary Budget
  • Remodeling Budget
  • Party Budget
  • Staying on Budget
  • Charity Budget

Realistic Math Practice Include:

  • Practical Math Activities
  • Realistic Word Problems
  • High-Interest Lessons
  • Making Budgets

What are others saying about Budget Math?:

"We are using this as part of our Upper Schools "Life Readiness" programming. It's a fantastic resource." - Kacee M.

"This was very helpful when covering budgets as part of Grade 5 Math" - Rebecca W.

"This is a great resource and up-to-date!" - Sherri D.

"Great resource for my life skills class." - Gina B.

"These are fantastic resources to use in a special education class." - Rochelle D.

Benefits of Google Slides:

If you've been looking for a way to integrate technology into your lessons, this is your answer. And the best part is you don't have to print, cut, laminate, or replace when you lose's ALL DIGITAL! AND we've done the work for you!

How do Google Slides Work?

Simply download these ready-to-use Google Slides into your Google Drive/Classroom.
Then you're all set to assign lessons to your students. You can assign the entire set of slides or just the ones you want to work on today. Students read each high-interest lesson on a computer Chromebook, or iPad then answer the skill questions right on their own copy of the slides. Teachers can see students' answers in real time, or review them later. Slides can also be printed and used as colorful classroom worksheets.

Your students will love these engaging DIGITAL Google Slides math lessons! They're perfect for students of all ages as daily homework, skill practice, remediation, review, and distance learning.

Purchase of this Google Slides product will give you access to a pdf link page containing the answer key, introduction, and a pdf link that you click on to download your copy of these innovative Google Slides lessons.

Reading Level: Gr 4-6

Interest Level: Gr 5 - 12


  • 152 Interactive Google Slides Lessons & Activities
  • Math Word Problems
  • Real-life scenarios
  • Answer Key

BUDGET MATH: Life Skills GOOGLE SLIDES Activities- math word problems, money...

  • Product Code: EREM 2022APGC

  • Viewed: 1953
  • Availability: In Stock


* 152 Practical & Interactive Google Slides Lessons & Activities. * Budgeting made easy! Help your students make friends with the budgeting process while learning valuable life skills! Filled with fun and engaging activities, these interactive and colorful lessons take the anxiety out of creating and sticking to a budget.

Students practice applying their math skills in addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, and decimals. They also gain valuable, practical knowledge about the important survival skill of setting goals and budgeting money. So improve your students' real-life money skills with this essential series!

More About this Product:

After learning the basics of how to create a variety of budgets, students get lots of practice with real-life budget scenarios. High-interest topics like planning an exotic vacation budget, a wedding budget, anniversary budget, college budget, family budget, a remodeling budget, various types of party and business budgets, and even a city budget are sure to capture your students' imaginations.

Through the use of charming photos, illustrations, fill-in charts, and drag and drop activities these lessons are presented in a lively, varied, and accessible way that students will find easy to understand. Real-life word problems feature practical consumer math skills. Students decide whether to add, subtract, multiply and/or divide money to find a solution. Some activities require students to use fractions and figure percentages.

Other Skills Get a Workout Too!

Introduce students to the vital role that handling money plays in all areas of a personal life while reinforcing basic math skills through a variety of problem-solving exercises. Comprehension, logical thinking, and sequential decisions are required to find answers to word problems relating to situations regarding making and using a budget.

Topics Include:

  • What is a Budget?
  • Benefits of a Budget
  • How to use a Budget
  • Fixed Costs vs Variable Costs
  • Needs vs Wants
  • Setting your Goal
  • Creating a Budget
  • Following a Budget
  • Real-life Scenarios / Situations
  • Vocabulary Activities

Types of Budgets:

  • Grocery Budget
  • Household Budget
  • Vacation Budget
  • College Budget
  • Business Budget
  • Personal Budget
  • Wedding Budget
  • Anniversary Budget
  • Remodeling Budget
  • Party Budget
  • Staying on Budget
  • Charity Budget

Realistic Math Practice Include:

  • Practical Math Activities
  • Realistic Word Problems
  • High-Interest Lessons
  • Making Budgets

What are others saying about Budget Math?:

"We are using this as part of our Upper Schools "Life Readiness" programming. It's a fantastic resource." - Kacee M.

"This was very helpful when covering budgets as part of Grade 5 Math" - Rebecca W.

"This is a great resource and up-to-date!" - Sherri D.

"Great resource for my life skills class." - Gina B.

"These are fantastic resources to use in a special education class." - Rochelle D.

Benefits of Google Slides:

If you've been looking for a way to integrate technology into your lessons, this is your answer. And the best part is you don't have to print, cut, laminate, or replace when you lose's ALL DIGITAL! AND we've done the work for you!

How do Google Slides Work?

Simply download these ready-to-use Google Slides into your Google Drive/Classroom.
Then you're all set to assign lessons to your students. You can assign the entire set of slides or just the ones you want to work on today. Students read each high-interest lesson on a computer Chromebook, or iPad then answer the skill questions right on their own copy of the slides. Teachers can see students' answers in real time, or review them later. Slides can also be printed and used as colorful classroom worksheets.

Your students will love these engaging DIGITAL Google Slides math lessons! They're perfect for students of all ages as daily homework, skill practice, remediation, review, and distance learning.

Purchase of this Google Slides product will give you access to a pdf link page containing the answer key, introduction, and a pdf link that you click on to download your copy of these innovative Google Slides lessons.

Reading Level: Gr 4-6

Interest Level: Gr 5 - 12


  • 152 Interactive Google Slides Lessons & Activities
  • Math Word Problems
  • Real-life scenarios
  • Answer Key

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