Here at Remedia, we love a good mystery! We’ve found that the mystery genre is a great way to engage students in reading, build comprehension skills, and improve critical thinking. That’s why we’ve put together this four-part series all about the wonderful genre of MYSTERIES!
PART 2: How to Read Mysteries with Your Students
- Predict: Have students review the title, the synopsis on the back of the book, the cover of the book, and the pictures within the story. Ask students to write down what they predict the mystery will be about.
- Read: You may want to read the mystery to your students to test their listening ability, or students may read the stories to test their own logic skills. A combination of both may prove to be the best approach.Tip: If you hand out copies or post the story on your whiteboard, only give students small segments at a time so they don’t read ahead.
- Investigate: Ask students to listen for interesting facts and clues.
It doesn’t have to be a mystery! Use these steps to reading mysteries with your students via @remediapub #mysterygenre
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- Predict Again: If the story is short, split the mystery into segments by paragraphs or chapters, and pause to reflect and predict. At these breaks, ask students to write down or share their predictions with a partner. Encourage students to support their predictions with facts and clues. They can use the clues they wrote down in #3.
- Conclude: At the end of the mystery, challenge to them to analyze their logic.
Stock-Up Your Classroom with High-Interest/Low-Readability Mysteries from Remedia!
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