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Did you know that students who read for enjoyment are more likely to perform better academically than those who don't? As an educator, it's essential to find ways to engage your students in reading and create a love for literature. In this guide, we'll explore 12 fun reading activities that can help make reading an enjoyable and educational experience for your...
82% of students in grades 7-10 fear math. Math is a challenging subject for students of all ages, and many teachers struggle to teach it effectively. Are your math lesson plans in need of an upgrade? Teaching (and learning) math doesn't have to be stressful. We're here to talk about a few things you can do to make your math classes...
On This Valentine's Day: Teach Your Students to Love Themselves In a perfect world, we would all love and respect each other, and ourselves. Teaching would be easy, because a student who feels loved and respected will have intrinsic motivation to better themselves. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. Here are some ideas that might help you light that fire for...
Back to Classroom
It is no secret how hard the last year or so has been. Teachers and students suffered and struggled. Everyone did their best in uncharted waters. The pandemic changed how we lived, taught, and learned. Now it is time to regain some sense of normalcy, which everyone is excited about. But how? Researchers have figured out that holding students back...
classroom advancement
Avoiding Burnout: During the Holidays (And Every Day) The holidays. People wishing others joy, peace, and love. Sometimes the wish seems far-fetched. Stress and chaos abound during the holiday season. Between last-minute shopping, bickering relatives, cooking, cleaning, parties you are too tired for, and endless to-do lists, it can be easy to lose perspective. Don’t let that stress weasel its...
Circle of Friends
Improve Social Behavior One of the most important things students learn at school is how to interact with each other. It isn’t taught as a subject like English, History, and Math, but perhaps it should be. And so, the subject falls on every teacher to teach social skills to every student, everyday. Having possibly experienced isolation, financial hardships, and even loss...

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